I know after having my daughter 11 years ago that getting ready to give birth is one of the most exciting and suspenseful times in our life as mums. As a impatient person the waiting seemed endless!
My daughter was 4 weeks early, with my waters breaking at the shops! I had no time to pack a hospital bag or feel ready, so this time I was prepared 6 weeks in advance!

And lucky I did because our baby boy Frankie came 3 weeks early!
It was important for me to not only have the essentials for me, bub and my hubby, but all the self care things I love to feel comfortable and happy.
For my labour, my positive birth affirmations and essential oils really helped to keep me calm and centred especially as I had a 26 hour labour...
I also wanted to make sure I had plenty of breastfeeding friendly tops and bras and comfy clothes as I didn’t know how long I’d be in hospital for. My daughter was in ICU and we stayed in hospital for a week so I wanted to prepare for the same.
Unfortunately it was the same with Frankie. After a long labour I had to have a emergency c-section (he just didn’t want to come out even after pushing and a vacuum!) and needed help breathing for 5 days in ICU.
I wanted to make sure I was expressing every 3 hours to ensure Frankie could be fed my colostrum and breastmilk from the get go. Travelling down to ICU in my wheelchair I definitely felt more comfortable in my Angel Maternity loungewear! Especially after a c-section, the loose floaty dresses and robes were perfect!
The feeling of being able to finally hold Frankie for the first time after 5 days was one of the most incredible and special days of my life. It felt like eternity to finally have my baby boy in my arms!
After a week in hospital it was just so nice to be home, getting into a routine and catching up on cuddles!
I love being a home body but also crave some short walks and going out for coffee, so the Angel Maternity Home to Street sets were perfect for me to be able to feed Frankie, lounge on the sofa and go out!
I’d love to hear from you... what was your must have in your hospital bag? What did you love about being home in the early days?
Comment on @angelmaternity and @traceyjewel_ify Instagram.
About Tracey Jewel
I am Tracey Jewel, a marketing strategist, best selling author, mental health worker and public figure.
Having just become a new mum for the second time, I am extremely passionate about women’s self care and wellness.
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